Carnivore &
Mesocarnivore Research
Wolf Ecology in Alaska
Photo credit(s): hkuchera / Adobe Stock
Links: Courtney Ramsey
This project kicked off in late 2020/early 2021. TCC is collaborating with Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) and Alaskan Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) to track wolf movements on and around the base. The data collected will be used to investigate wolf movements, habitat use, pack dynamics and wolf population ecology near Anchorage, AK.
Bear Ecology in the Trans Pecos
Photo credit(s): Lisa / Adobe Stock
Links: Matt Hewitt, Big Bend Times, Borderlands Buzz,
TCC is joining forces with Borderlands Research Institute at Sul Ross and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to continue to investigate bear movements in West Texas. This long-term project will look at bear diets, individual and population level movements, habitat preferences and health surveillance. This data will help determine potential conservation strategies as extirpated black bears recolonize Texas from the Mexican border.
Lynx and Wolverine Ecology in Alaska
Photo credit(s): hkuchera / Adobe Stock
Links: Courtney Ramsey
Along with wolf research, we will be working with ADGF and JBER as they continue to gather information for their long-term movement datasets on lynx and wolverines. The TCC will be taking on movement analysis to look at habitat use and survival in the Anchorage area.
Coyote Predation on Agassiz's Desert Tortoise in the Mojave Desert of Southern California
Photo credit(s): coyote - Steve Byland / Adobe Stock, tortoise - buttbongo / Adobe Stock
Links: Marine Corps AGCC, Danielle Deming,
We entered into this project in Fall 2020 with the Department of Defense to investigate potential coyote predation on the endangered desert tortoise near Twentynine Palms, CA. Researchers will be using non-invasive scat sampling techniques to test for the presence or absence of desert tortoise in coyote diets, as well as build a population model using genetic methods to estimate coyote population size in the area.
Urban Mesocarnivore Community Ecology
Photo credit(s): fox - Enrique, camera - Lisa Carter, skunk - Frank Fichtmuller, raccoon - Beth Baisch, map - Viktor Shumatov, cats - Laura Pashkevich, all Adobe Stock
Links: Chris Carter's Thesis,
In 2016, the TCC began a project looking at urban mesopredator ecology; more specifically, researchers wanted to characterize the assemblage of mesopredators within the city of Lubbock, Texas, and identify potential environmental covariates that might be driving occupancy, such as the effects of anthropogenic structures/ infrastructure, vegetative cover, surface water availability and automobile traffic.
Inland Alligator Ecology
Photo credit(s): Mike Whitson
TCC has been involved in alligator research since the early 2000's, with funding from and in collaboration with Texas Parks and Wildlife. This research resulted in multiple publications and invaluable information into inland alligator ecology and management in East Texas, including the following information:
- nesting ecology, nest and hatchling success
- food habits and habitat preferences
- movements and home range sizes
- growth rates and body condition
- population ecology
- management strategies