Current GraduatE Students
Pierce Adams
M.S. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Mottled duck ecology on the Texas coast
Chris Carter
Ph. D. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Distribution and quality of surface water for desert bighorn sheep in the Trans Pecos of Texas: implications for habitat use, disease risks, and sheep survival in a changing landscape
Danielle Deming
M.S. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Coyote genetics, population modeling, and dietary habits in relation to endangered desert tortoise at Twentynine Palms, CA
Carsten Groos
M.S. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Predictive population modeling for axis, aoudad, and white-tailed deer in the Edwards Plateau region of Texas
Karen Hondrick
M.S. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Black rail ecology on the Texas Coast
James Morel
Ph.D. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Waterfowl use and carrying capacity of stock ponds in Eastern and Central Texas
Angela Patrick
PhD Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Infectious disease modelling in wildlife populations
Madison Ramsey
M.S. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Examining the effects of neonicotinoids on ring-necked pheasant physiology
Sharon (Smythe) Valverde
Ph.D. Student
Texas Tech University
Research Theme
Evaluating elk habitat and resource selection on an actively restored landscape in North-Central NM relative to mule deer competition and cougar and black bear predation.